SMILE room Learning Environment - The Mead Community Primary School, Wiltshire

A campaign by The Mead Community Primary School

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A campaign by The Mead Community Primary School
1 campaigns, 0 contributions
SMILE room Learning Environment - The Mead Community Primary School, Wiltshire

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The SMILE rooms (Simulated Multi-sensory Interactive Learning Environment) are an innovative development at The Mead Academy Trust. The main idea behind the SMILE rooms is to help all children to learn together by stimulating their imagination, inspiring them and helping them engage in a creative fun way, using I.C.T combined with multi-sensory approaches.

We have been developing this idea for over a year now, first we went back to basics and looked at what really works to support children's learning and why, then we researched and developed those things further. Please look through this site to better understand the ideas and what we hope to achieve at The Mead Academy Trust.

As part of our Science and Technology year 2013-14, we are focusing on “growing a better brain”, which directly links to the research behind this project as children develop better memories of their learning when exposed to a variety of stimuli in a multi–sensory way.

We want to use multi-sensory scenes, games, films and so much more to inspire the children for writing projects, making creative masterpieces and to help them engage with learning across the entire curriculum.

The SMILE rooms are also intended to replace sensory rooms in mainstream primary schools, while greatly improving the resources offered to children with Special Educational Needs. Helping children with needs like, dyslexia, autism, Aspergers, ADHD, dyspraxia and learning difficulties in ways traditional sensory rooms cannot.

Does all of this sound complicated, scary and very expensive? It’s NOT, using a simple setup of a computer and a projector, the same as in most classrooms, and some imagination (well we can’t make it too easy) any school can access a whole new way of learning.

We want to show that no matter the size of school this idea can be achieved even on smaller budgets. Also a lot of the ideas developed and used in the SMILE room can feed into the classroom, so it is not a standalone resource but an integrated resource for any school.

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