Lilac Service

A campaign by Trevor Boyle

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A campaign by Trevor Boyle
1 campaigns, 0 contributions
Lilac Service


*In 2005 Fleming Fulton School, Belfast set up an interdisciplinary working party in response to the current legislation on Special Needs Education and guidelines for Special Schools.

The aim is to facilitate the inclusion of children and young people in the school of their choice.

The team is a partnership between Education and Health consisting of a Teacher (Inclusion Coordinator), Occupational Therapist, Classroom Assistant, ICT Technician.

Multi-disciplinary Approach

The LILAC Project has given the opportunity for Education and Health professionals who have worked together in a special school setting to come together to share good working practices in the mainstream setting.

The team consists of a Teacher (Inclusion Coordinator), Classroom Assistant, Occupational Therapist, ICT Technician and Clerical Assistant.

The aim is that the sharing of information and interdisciplinary working with the skill-mix of the team can be used to bring a holistic approach in the inclusion of pupils with physical disabilities in the school of their choice.

Working Together to Facilitate Inclusion

Building on good practice we facilitate inclusion by sharing ideas and strategies that compliment and support the education of pupils in mainstream schools. Working collaboratively focuses on removing barriers to learning and enhances the inclusion of the pupil.

We liaise with other education and health professionals in order to provide an holistic approach to the inclusion of individual pupil's.

Other professionals include; Special Needs Advisor, Educational Psychologists, Transition Officers, Placement Officers, ICT Advisors, Careers Advisors, Community Therapists, Staff Grade Paediatricians, Community Paediatric Nurses and Social Workers.

Working Together to Encourage Independence

Through this model the Lilac Project support the pupil and school staff to promote independence.

Pupils are encouraged to become organised, develop time management skills and operate with minimum support.

We work alongside teachers and classroom assistants to develop care plans to assist with personal care and daily management. By promoting independence pupils develop self confidence, feel a sense of achievement, become aware of their limitations and are enabled to participate in their own learning. For further information on strategies used and training for teachers and classroom assistants please download our Advice and Request Form.