Ecuador community project

A campaign by Trevor Brittain

  • £0
    Raised of £40,000
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  • 0
    seconds left
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This campaign did not reach it's goal
  • Contribute £50 or more

    Limited to 100 Contributors

    As a thank you we will write an article with your contribution in our local newspaper (Cornish and Devon) and school newsletter (circulation of 1500). You will also appear as one of our sponsors on our website. Many thanks

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.

A group of students are leading an expedition in 2014 to Ecuador to improve the lives and communities for the people that live there. This will include building new schools, water stations, lessons for young children and lots of other community projects. Students will be spending four weeks in some of the most deprived areas of the country to help build a better standard of living and gain an appreciation of the difficulties faced by many communities all across the world. See more here